Friday, April 13, 2007

Last week to finish your Calendar

Friday 13th April

So I hope you are all enjoying the Easter holidays! Only a week left, aaahh where does the time go??

So the first Monday of the club (23th April) will be the last week we will work on the calendars. So make sure that we look at them together, you will have a couple of weeks to complete it at home, if you need the extra time.

The size should be 1300 X 1000 Pixels.

Below is a list of who is doing what month, any problems come see me.

Front Cover ---> Nigel
January ---> Tristan, Victor, Lucas
February ---> William
March ---> Alex
April ---> David
May ---> Timo
June ---> Samuel
July ---> Sam
August ---> Nils
September ---> Tamara
October ---> Jules
November ---> Nina
December ---> Lucy